Tuesday 5 July 2011

Oh to be beside the Sea

The monumental upturned boats of Fabrizio Plessi's Vertical Seas at the Venice Biannale resembled an eerie graveyard, featuring LCD screens in the middle of the boats with torrents of water gushing down vertically they seem to suck you in and wash you down the meandering path of angled boats.

Robert Montgomery's haunting text installation secured to the hull of a boat reflected the profusion of palaces in Venice.

The vaperetto is the only way to get around Venice unless you hire a water taxi which will leave you with an eye watering bill at the end of your stay. How delightful would it be to have at your disposal one of these The Acquariva designed by the multi-talented industrial designer Marc Newson.

Another trip to Venice is planned with the keys to this baby. 

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