Tuesday 5 July 2011

Oh to be beside the Sea

The monumental upturned boats of Fabrizio Plessi's Vertical Seas at the Venice Biannale resembled an eerie graveyard, featuring LCD screens in the middle of the boats with torrents of water gushing down vertically they seem to suck you in and wash you down the meandering path of angled boats.

Robert Montgomery's haunting text installation secured to the hull of a boat reflected the profusion of palaces in Venice.

The vaperetto is the only way to get around Venice unless you hire a water taxi which will leave you with an eye watering bill at the end of your stay. How delightful would it be to have at your disposal one of these The Acquariva designed by the multi-talented industrial designer Marc Newson.

Another trip to Venice is planned with the keys to this baby. 

Monday 21 March 2011

Spring has sprung.

The first sign of spring caught my eye as I was doing some yoga stretches in my living room, through the glass double doors leading to my garden I spied 2 bright pink roses. I was very tempted to pick them but then the garden would have gone back to the wintery green and brown it was before.

Ever since then flowers have popping up everywhere I go, I popped into Stephen Jones's shop to view his new collection and I must say he was looking very spring like wearing one of his berets and a matching pair of Vivienne Westwood for Melissa loafers

Stephen Jones

Sitting resplendent in the centre of the room was this fantastic Anco Air Orchid which lives without soil, so beautiful to see all the roots it adds to the beauty of the plant. I was in love instantly and need a few of those in my life. My secret obsession is growing orchids, I have around 8 plants just on my bedroom window sill alone and many, many more dotted around the house.

Anco Air Orchid

My dear friend Erin held a birthday party at her house on Friday as I entered through the front door lo and behold this incredible Jessica Steinkamp installation was projected on the wall, the flowers drift from side to side as if blown by a gentle breeze. I remember seeing her magnificent installations at Freize last year, how wonderful that I can enjoy her work at Erin's house.

Jessica Steinkamp Installation

For me the ultimate is this exquisite Aster Brooch by Buccellati, it made up of a whopping 64.18 carat Tourmaline surrounded by 186 round brilliant diamonds and 167 rose-cut diamonds. Available at The European Fine Art Fair until 27th March but remember it's one of a kind which is just how I like it.

Aster Buccellati Brooch
(picture taken from Luxurynow.com website)

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Mystical Marrakech

Marrakech in the winter is a very different place, you'd expect sunshine and the hustle and bustle of the souk!  Temperatures drop, rain falls and the easiness and relaxed mood of wandering around the Medina's rabbit warren streets disappears. I spent most of my time dodging the rain in a flimsy t-shirt and cardigan, but it didn't dampen my of love shopping and discovery.

I became obsessed with light fittings and spent most of the time looking up discovering the most exquisite and eclectic mix of lights. 

My personal favourite, blue glass chandelier

Mosaic glass Light from Dar Bou Ziane Marrakech

Green blown glass light 

Exquisite metal light  

French style glass light

Glass light with coloured glass stones

Street lights

I was very lucky to have an amazing host the designer Adriana Bittencout who spends half the year living in the heart of the Medina in a house designed by the renowned decorator and architect Bill Willis. He designed 2 houses for Yves Saint Laurent and took Jean Paul Getty and his new bride Talitha on their honeymoon to Marrakech for the first time.  His style is very distinctive and one of his signatures is the amazing fireplace he built in many of the homes he worked on.

Bill Willis fireplace


Guest bedroom

It was here in the house I had drinks with the amazing Andre Leon Talley and the fabulous Miss Jay, we were all staying at the incredible La Mamounia hotel. From the balcony of my bedroom the view was magnificent, lush vegetation surrounding the hotel and in the distance the incredible snow capped Atlas mountains, absolute heaven on earth. 

Andre Leon Talley
Miss Jay

One of the lobby's in La Mamounia

Room with a view

Racing through the narrow streets trying not to get soaked in the afternoon downpour I took refuge in the many delightful shops. One of my favourite discoveries was La Maison du Kaftan Morocain where I could have easily spent the whole afternoon rifling through 3 floors of vintage kaftans, I found every style of kaftan imaginable, it was absolute bliss. I was also inspired by a wall of multicoloured drawers at Khartit Mustapha, it could solve my problem of the hundred plus shoe's and their boxes I have in my bedroom. They could now be easily hidden away in the drawers and create a colourful wall feature. A trip to Marrakech is not complete without sampling the delicious dates that are sold and beautifully displayed in the central square of the Medina.

One of the many walls of kaftans at La Maison du Kaftan Morocain

Antique inscribed pot at Dar bou Ziane

Multicoloured drawers at Khartit Mustapha

Berber jewellery 

Date stall

Dinner that night was at Le Comptoir restaurant which serves traditional Morrocan cuisine with a wonderful twist. Mid way through our starters I noticed a group of women walking effortlessley down the central stairway with trays full of lit candles balanced on their heads. They then proceeded to dance and twirl around our tables, definitely an excellent lesson on deportment but not one to be tried at home alone incase you catch the curtains alight. The whole restaurant erupted into music and dancing, following these women were the most amazing group of belly dancers of various shapes and sizes, each one equally as sexy as the last. Our table was swiftly cleared and a belly dancer hopped up and gave us a private belly dance, we were all totally mesmerised as were most of the male group on the table next to us who beckoned her over to dance for them. Even Miss Jay gave her a run for her money and not only with his dancing but in the style stakes too. On his feet were a beautiful pair of embroidered slippers with the Sun, Moon and Stars.  I forgot to ask if he purchased them here, ah well I'll have to add that to my shopping list for next time.

Candle dancers
Belly dancer

 Belly Dancer

Miss Jay sure knows how to move

The Sun, Moon & Stars

Saturday 9 October 2010

Everyone has gone bicycle crazy

The Boris bikes have hit London and it seems everyone has taken up an interest in cycling, I'm still very loyal to my MINI Cooper but am tempted to get on my bike, if I had one.

A rack of Boris bikes

The Boris bikes do not have the same appeal as the cool Velib bikes in Paris though. The Velib does not have huge branding by a high street bank emblazoned all over them, they are a cool chic grey and have a functional basket, not as per the Boris bikes with a glorified magazine rack on the front.

Velib's in Paris

Even in Hangzhou their bicycles look much better, they were the first city in China to have rental bikes in 2008. I suppose the branding isn't such an eyesore if you do not understand the language! Ha, ha. But I love the fact they they are a bold red and have baskets!

Hangzhou public bicycles

Even Atelier Mayer the exquisite appointment only vintage boutique and online e-shop www.atelier-mayer.com deliver your purchases on a very chic black Velobris bicycle with custom made wooden basket. I love their style.

Atelier-Mayer Velobris bicycle

I think I'm too old to get a Hello Kitty Cruiser but I'm very tempted. The tyres have been moulded with the Hello Kitty face, so you can leave an imprint of her everywhere you go when it's wet. Such joy.

Hello Kitty Cruiser

Hello Kitty tyre

Then there's the fabulous Jellybean bike www.jellybeanbikes.com.au, where you can customise the colour of your bike. The company is based in Australia but it's worth having your own uniquely coloured bicycle delivered to your door for the extra shipping cost. 

Hmm, which colours to choose......... Blue being my favourite colour this is my first combination.

I love my blue jellybean bike

Red, green and blue Jellybean bike

If I'm going on the pure design and aesthetic of a bike then I would have to purchase this beautiful bamboo bicycle designed by Ross Lovegrove for Biomega. I can see myself taking this bike on all of my travels, it would have fitted in so well to my surroundings in Bali. 

Next stop Jamaica in October, I wonder if I'll be charged excess luggage for this?

Tuesday 28 September 2010

China Diaries Pt.2

Our days spent at the factory inspecting prints and patterns turned out to be lots of fun, within one of our printing mills we discovered their wholesale scarf shop. We excitedly set about buying as many scarves as we could fit into our hand luggage.

Daniella's selection

Wall of scarves

After a successful sweep of the scarf shop, were off to the warehouse to hunt through the Issa print archive. It's quite overwhelming seeing a hundreds of fabric rolls charting the whole print history of Issa, it brought back lots of memories of us working on the prints. We pulled out a few gems to re-work and also some of our favourites to make one-off dresses for ourselves.

Rolls of archive Issa prints

Joyce measuring a roll of archive print

I love the night markets in China you can find an array of silly trinkets, jewellery and a very thriving business in fake designer hand bags, I personally do not believe in buying fakes only the real thing does it for me.

Me and Daniella outside the Night Market

I purchased these Nerdy spectacles for just the equivalent of £2.50 in the market and on my return to London fell in love with a pair of leather specs by Cutler and Gross just like my Chinese pair, how luxe to have a pair of leather covered specs.
My Chinese Nerdy Spectacles

Cutler and Gross Leather Spec's

I think we're all obsessed with specs at the moment, Maggie picked up a pair of blinging crystal covered specs, only her and Dame Edna can pull those off.

The rest of the night was a buying frenzy of belts, hats and jewellery. I seriously have to weigh my luggage when I get back to the hotel.

Overweight again!